We are afraid to say that this is the seventh and last challenge.
This moment had to arrive one day, unfortunately.
But, this will be the best goodbye ever, one you'll surely never forget.
So, let's get started with this new challenge, which, surprisingly, is not a competition!!!!!!!
We won't be fighting for our lives with the other groups, as we have been doing all year long, this time will be different.
The challenge consists of (as its name says) an exhibition, we have to build interesting and funny robots to show to little kids in our school.
We also have to build a stand to do so, it's literally a robot exhibition.
The thing is, we have to build a robot that does anything we want it to do, it can be a sewing robot, or a robot that just follows a line, etc.
Furthermore, we can use pieces which are not from the robotics class, we can use absolutely whatever we want bto build this robot or to decorate it.
It can be whatever the groups want it to be , and it can be built however we want it to be built.
In our case, we have a very solid idea, but if you read through every entry of this blog, you will clearly be able to see that we love doing last-minute changes, so I guess you, dear readers, won't be able to know what the final product will be until the last day! Isn't that really intriguing?
We hope you're keen on reading this last entry, as it will probably be the longest and most important one!
Keep reading to find out what the final form of Alfie will be!!

Good morning Alfie muffins!
That's Alfie's fandom name!
And you dear readers, are par of its beloved fandom.
Toay, we spent a considerable amount of time, about one hour (the whole class) thinking about what we could do for this challenge. We decided we could make a doctor robot, which gives band- aids and lollipops to everyone.
Isn't that idea rerally nice? The answer is yes, cearly, but the problem that comes with it is terribly obvious.
We don't have enough motors to perform that.
And our teacher  doesn't let us use any more motors. That's discouraging!πŸ˜” 
But we're sure we'll come up with a much better idea and overcome this challenge flawlessly!!!!!
GO ALFIE!!!!!!!!!!YOU CAN!

Hey readers, how is your day going?
We hope it's going alright.
Our day is going fine, that's because our teacher has given us a very special thing.
Something we've waited for.
If you remember or reread past entries, we've always had a permanent struggle, the pieces, or accurately, the lack of them. Our teacher has given us the best present we could think of.


We are so pleased with this pieces, today has been a party day because of that.
See you on Wednesday dear Alfie Muffins!

Hi everybody!!!!!
Today has also been an amazing day!
Today, it is because we've had lots of ideas, because, as we said a few days ago, we don't have the necessary materials to make a doctor robot.
So we had  a really interesting brainstorm today!
We thouvght about building a sweeper robot, or an organiser robot.
Or a driver robot, but any of these ideas were good and suitable enough for us, our pieces, and our intentions.
So our definitive and final idea is this:
YOUR LOCAL GRANNY ROBOT, or as other people like to call him, Shakefie.

We're back agaiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnn!!!!
Hello dear readers, we're so sure you missed us during these days, and we're sorry we didn't make an appearance.
We are truly sorry for you Alfie muffins, but there's someone who missed us even more than you.
That's right, we haven't seen Alfie in a whole week, we're such irresponsible tutors, you might think, BUT IN OUR DEFENSE:
We've been missing due to important purposes, well, due to an important task.
They're exactly what you imagine, olympics, but with math problems instead of sports.
Our task (and the reason why we haven't seen Shakefie in a week) was solving super difficult and strange problems in order to practice for the olympics, phase 1 took place last Saturday, April 2nd.
If we did well, we will pass and go to the second phase, but none of us has much hope, we really don't think we'll pass, however, anything can happen.

Besides, the point of the olympics is not even competing, it's meeting new people and making some friends while working out some really hard problems, and we met very friendly and smart people there, so even if we don't pass, we're glad we went there and learnt some new things while meeting nice people.

But this blog isn't about the mathematical olympics nor about us, so, now we'll talk about our progress with Shakefie.
Today, while being back at work, we're also writing this blog, because we have tons and tons of work to do, moreover we have to make a stand for Shakefie, because we have to show it to little kids of our school.
We have a little too much work to do, and, to make things even worse and even more overwhelming, while we've been practising math problems, the other groups have been building robots, doing programs, etc.
So we're behind the others and have a lot of work.
But we're sure we'll catch them, in terms of progress.

And we're starting to make an effort to achieve so! How?
Well, we've got serious and have added important pieces to nail the construction of Shakefie, we'll do the program another day, though, but we're really progressing!
 We're working and we're happy about it!
We have to build a legendary robot for Alfie's end!
Come on Alfie, shine one last time!
Looking good

Hellooooooooooooooooooooo dear Alfie muffins!!!!! If you don't know what we're talking about now, "Alfie muffins" is Alfie's fanbase name, and if you're reading this, you're part of this kindhearted and lovely fandom.
It is really small, less than 10 people are on it, and they are all super nice, which means we don't have pointless discussions, weird ships or obsessive people here!
We don't want to brag about it, but we really have the perfect fandom for sweet Alfie.
But, I'm afraid I'm writing too much lately and starting to be boring, so let's get to the point!
Today we're still building Shakefie, but we're having quite a few problems right now.
The main one is that the robot almost doesn't stand up for himself, but we'll be able to solve that.
Another one is that we haven't started thinking of aprogram or getting to make te stand yet.
But we'll have time to solve it.
And finally, the last problem is about the bottle.
If it's empty, the robot can lift it, but if it's full with water,it can't, it absolutely can't.
Poor little Alfie

That's turned into the main problem now, but my super smart teammates are already coming up with useful ideas for working out this issue.
And, it's happened again! I wrote too much!!!!!!!
Well Alfie muffins, it's tiome to say goodbye, see you on Friday dear readers!
Thanks for your attention once again and please, please, wish us luck!!!

Here you h
ave some super amazing pics of Alfie!!!

Good morning, today, as a creative writer, I wanted to show you  a funny video about robots or whatever, but my mates didn't let me.
I wanted to do it so this part of the entry is funnier, but, unfortunately I'm not allowed to do so.
But, if you want to watch bizarre and funny videos click here ROBOTS&INTHEEND, or here ROBOTS&NUMB
Those are our third and sixth entry respectively, you don't need to read the whole entry, just scroll until you find the videos!
Now , lwt's get to what we're doing today, it's friday, and we're tired, but that doesn't affect our effectiveness.
Because we're workers, and we want Shakefie to be great.
WE also want the little kids to love it.
We're working on it and taking care of it as well, and we're glad about it.
Today we're focusing on the building and, AND, this is very important news, WE'VE STARTED TO PROGRAM!!!!!!!!
But we haven't started the stan yet.
Well, dear readers, we're progressing and everything is going way better that wht we expected, but we're sure there will be plenty of surprises, good ones as well as bad ones, but we hope everything goes well

Hey, hey, hey!! 
Here we are again, writing in order to make you know about Alfie's shenanigans.
Today we've done someinteresting things.
 First, we tested our brand new structure we bought two days ago, after that and afetr a few experiments, we came to a conclusion, it doesn't work! yay!
We're going to build a mechanism that woks well and doesn't disappoint us, like the previous one.
Today we can't write a lot due to all the work we have to do, we better get serious, or we won't finish our Shakefie on time.
So, bye friends, see you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Today has been a very productive day, as we improved the structure so much and started with the serious part:the remote control. We've never used it in any of the previous challenges, but we thought that turning our coffee maker on with a control would look so cool. 

So that’s what we’re trying today, and now, here you have some pictures of how Alfie’s  structure is going so far!

And lastly, here are some pictures of the materials and the tools we used to make this coffee maker exist.

A glue gun

A welder

 Three mugs

This weird structure we thought of

A syringe

Some flanges



Our amazing program

Today has been a really tough day of work, work and more work.
We've been focusing on the proghram today, or that's what we'd like to say, because we can't make it work.
But, thanks to this, we have finished building the entire structure and leaving some pieces we mentioned yesterday behind.
Alfie renews itself everyday!
Here you have some gorgeous pictures!

Here we are again! Ready to work!
Today, we REALLY focused on the program and made that remote control   work!
Have you read that?
IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can't be happier, we also don't believe it,but still, we have along way to go through, so, let's work!
Honestly and genuinely, we don't know how we managed to make it work, but we're proud of it regardless.
Here you have a picture of our dear remote control, and some of Alfie, furthermore, some videos of it working (with explanation),BUT, without the remote control. Let me explain, we have two programs, the real one, with the remote control included on it,and the demonstration one,which is the one we use in these videos.
See you!

Here you can see Shakefie's shenanigans and operation with amazing boss music as its soundtrack.


Since our program is finished, we decided to focus on the structural parts that don’t work, such as the syringe. The infamous syringe.

It works awfully and inefficiently.

When we fill the bottle, the water starts spilling out and there’s no way to stop it, so we have to wait a few minutes until it stops on its own.

And now that you’ve read this, you might think:”Oh, but that’s not a big deal,you said it stopped after a few minutes, right?

Well yes, I’ve said that, but it turns out, I’ve lied to you, dear readers, because it doesn’t stop completely, since little drops keep falling out of it nonstop.

There’s no way to stop that.

And yes, I know, little drops are also not a really big deal, but when you’re working with ELECTRIC MOTORS and those little drops can completely ruin your project, which is made of material from school, it turns into a real problem.

So yes, basically, everything we did was trying to solve this problem of ours, and guess what, we failed.

Now that we've read this, we've realised we haven't explained how the syringe mechanism works.

Let's do it.

The wheel that spins lifts the syringe, leaving a little gap for the liquid to go through it and fall to the plastic mug, and when the wheel stops lifting the syringe, the gap is closed and the liquid can't go through it anymore.

Easy, right? Well, building it is not that easy.Anyway, we'll think of something and try to solve everything, including the problem with the structure the next day.

See you then Alfie Muffins!


We wanted to start making our stand, and this was its design.

The design has changed a lot
And as you have read there, it has changed. Mainly because the stand consists of two parts. Like this:

But with different things and different vocabulary words on each part.

So, we realised we needed to buy a lot of white paper for the next day, which is what we'll do this afternoon, because we're responsible girls.

Let's change the subject, we don't want to bore you dear readers!

We tried to fix the syringe mechanism but we weren't able, let's try another day!

Hope is the last thing we should lose!


Today we started with the stand, and yes, we progressed, but we found out that we needed way more white paper, and also black.
So we know what we'll do this afternoon too.
We also sent the pictures from the about us page to our teacher, who printed them so we can stick them to the stand.
We're certain the stand will be amazing and very cute.
Here you have piture of us making it!
Also, we've finally gave up with the syringe mechanism, working with it was pointless and made us waste plenty of time.
We've been lucky though, because we have found a video, and it's become our inspiration, you can watch it if you want to!new mechanism video
The mechanism in this video is not the one we're going to use, because it would be practically impossible, so we're adapting it.
We're keeping the marble idea, but we plan to lift it with a stick, so it leaves a gap where the liquid goes through.Like the syringe, but better, or that's what we hope...
Wish us luck anyway!

Today has been mostly a stand day. That's because we've been working on it so much! And with the necessary paper!!!!
We plan to make it look like a cow, so we're drawing cow stains, cutting them and sticking them to the white paper, it seems really easy, however, there are too many stains!!!!!!!!!This is going to be a long and tedious process, but you, Alfie muffins, know that we would do whatever is needed to make Alfie shine and be a good robot!

Let's talk about something else.The marble, have we started working with it?
Yes.Is it going well?No.
We have quite a big problem, but first, let's talk about the good things it has.
The water doesn't spill out and it works well.That's it.
Now, the problem.
In order to make the stick lift the marble, we have to turn a circular movement into a vertical one, and how are we supossed to do that??????????
Have we studied physics or engineering?No.
Nobody has taught us how to do this, and we also don't know how to do this, but we guess we'll find a solution...
Or not...
Who knows?Well, only destiny knows...

Friday 20th may 2022 has been a wild day.It's been bizarre, yes, that's the way to describe it.
We never thought we would do this at robotics class, this is chemistry!
Seriously, we should have done this at chemistry class.
Sorry to confuse you dear readers, we'll give you the context now.
We were chilling out and working peacefully as always, when one of us noticed one thing:the little rusty marble we had been working with, yes, the problematic one is super rusty.
It's one of the rustiest things we've ever seen, it even left remains on the bottle, like dust, that made us worry, because it would mean that our robot isn't functional and Shakefie's shakes aren't edible.
It would make us really sadd and disappointed in ourselves.
But we had the time to find a solution this morning, and we found it.
We coul deoxidize it with bicarbonate!Bicarbonate is also known as baking soda and it can deoxidize every type of metal. This happens because the mixture of metal and bicarbonate creates an oxidation-reaction chemical reaction, where the metal deoxidizes.
The hardest part of this was finding where the bicarbonate was, it seems quite obvious.
At the lab, right?Yes, but it turns out no one had the key to open its door.
So, we spent almost half of the class looking for the key, and the other half deoxidizing.
That rusty marble was very old, and had a lot of rust, so we did the necessray treatment, putting it inside a glas with bicarbonate and water, that's it.
And leaving it under the sunlight for a couple hours.
Then, we planned to live the marble inside a glass of coca-cola.
We haven't done anyting new today apart from this, now look at the marble after the first treatment!

One of our dear companions is missing because she's ill, and we're two today, so we didn't progress as much as we woul've liked to, but it's fine.
The marble is in pur ill mate's house, but we'll go to her house and get the marble,we'll see her and ask her if she's well, also.
Today has been a stand day completely, we've cut, we've stuck and we've written vocabulary words in the powerpuff girls font, to make everything look good and to mantain a topic through the whole stand, we didn't want anything random.
We'll show you the whole stand soon!

Today we've also been focusing on the stand almost completely, but we've begun to write the script for the presentation.
In case you didn't know, we have to do a presentation about Alfie for the whole school.
So yes, we've begun to write that script.
Also, we had the marble today! Oh,my God, those are the only words we can say about that.
That marble has changed too much, in the previous pictures of it, you've seen it shone, right?
Well, the second treatment with coca-cola, made it matte.
It no longer shines, which is crazy, because even when it was all rusty,it shone a little.
Our conclusion of this is that coca-cola is great for deoxidizing, because it's corrosive.
Yes, corrosive, it even makes metal not shine anymore, so, when you drink coca-cola, be careful because somehow the chemicals it has deoxidizes metal, and we're completely sure that if we had left the marble inside the coc-cola for more time, it would've eventually disintegrated the poor marble.
Thank god that hasn't happened!πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
We also gave the little marble a third treatment.
We rubbed the marble with bicarbonate, but not water.
The results we got were these:the marble had a softer touch.
Since it was rusty, the touch was rough, but after this treatment, it is smooth.
Chemistry is sure surprising!

The marble right now

We've also done stand stuff today, despite being able to work with the marble, but the stand was behind in terms of process of confection.
We've also continued writing the script!
Now see a photo of the stand this morning!

Even if you see it like that, we've almost finished it.the only thing missing are the vocabulary words.

Today has also been a stand day, since we printed and cut everything that was missing and tomorrow we'll stick everything and finally finish the stand.
We also finished our script today, we're so happy about that!!!!!!!!!!!!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
We spent the class cutting because there was just SO MUCH TO CUT.
Tomorrow we'll fix the mechanism mistake and stick everything.
It seems as though everything is coming to an end, and it really is, but don't be sad dear muffins, Alfie will always be with you inside your hearts.
See you tomorrow!And on Friday,THE EXPOSITION DAY!!!!!!!!!
And as a goodbye for today, here you can see a lovely video of our program!


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