challenges, conclusions and our last goodbye

Hi readers, we have been thinking about this momment for months. We didn't know how to start with this, because you all know, we don't like goodbyes because it is related to giving up and... YOU ALL KNOW OUR ROBOT HAS THE STRONGEST WILL EVER SEEN, AND DESPITE IT IS BUILDING DOWN EVERY SINGLE WEEK, IT IS SO LIT.

Okay we think that was kind of an intense way of starting this farewell, we could have started with a naff video of "the best momments with Alfie, yay cheers!!!", but if one of our single writings has ever pleased you, you know that here things aren't done like that, we just start a strange monologue that goes nowhere, but deeply inside has a very strong meaning, like this lines, that seem pointless but have a lot to say.

So we wanted this momment to be our last reflexion, and we wanted it to be about the farewell. It doesn't mean that you have failed in your task, or things are going to get worse when you finish a cicle. Farewells are not about complaining and getting melancholic, we have to learn from what we have lived in this year, and always be ready to overcome what life would bring us.

 Because if somebody told us that we were going to end this year building a -theoretically- functional machine that allows us to make coffee, we would get very surprised that our last work was a boring coffee machine and not a serial robot killer that can make paellas too, you know, that sort of things. Well we were joking, we wouldn't make a paella robot maker because maybe, it rice against us - sorry guys we are just brilliant making lame jokes. What we are trying to say, is that the future is unknown, but past is not, and we have lots of tools learnt from things previously lived, that will help us to smack up that future and show mother nature who rules here. Poetic.
We have to thank this subject and our teachers and mates, because of the work that all of them have developed. We are proud of every team's work, including ours. In some challenges we ruled the match, in others our robot literally got upside down, but we have our mind in peace because we will ever know that all the effort that could be put on the challenge, has been put.

And that's it, this subject has told us that sometimes, you just don't know what to do, or sometimes, life isn't fair and you are the only one who can help you. But we also are keeping with us those friends who supported us in our worst, and the satisfaction that a bunch of pieces working coordinately in the way you told them to work can produce.

I think that all of us wouldn't ever regret being part of this. 
This is not a goodbye forever, it's just the end of a cicle, Alfie will keep rocking and being fabulous until the sun explodes. And when it explodes, Alfie will be an amazing intergalactic and mystic fairy-elf-angel-robot, sounds very magical.

That's all folks, don't get attached to the past, because the unknown future awaits all of us. 

You thought this was already the end?
You weren't wrong,but we wanted to dedicate these last words to thank you all.
We know our writing can be long and annoying, even overwhelming sometimes, but if you're here and feeling the same emotions as us, it means that you've read it all.
Thank you, dear reader, for always waiting for the updates, for laughing with us at our bad jokes, for being happy for Alfie, for being there, for reading us, for following us.
For staying and supported this little project of ours we called Alfie.
We're sure Alfie would cry from happiness if it saw all the love it's been getting during this year. Unfortunately, it's a robot and it doesn't have emotions.
Hey you, reader, thank you for being an Alfie muffin, and loving our little robot as much as we do!
Love from the real people behind this whole blog, Ángela,Claudia and Úrsula.

 We can't be more grateful,honestly.
As we said, the future awaits us, and we'll get through all our problems and challenges with hope, just like Alfie did!
See you, readers,
farewell, dear Alfie muffins.


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