In this challenge, each group's robot has to fight against the other groups' robots.
Our teacher said that EVERYTHING was valid in this challenge, except breaking the rules obviously.
For instance, our robot can have 3 motors, but these motors can't be 3 big motors, if we wanted to include 3 motors, one of them would have to be a medium one, since the rules say so. In theory, each group has 2 big motors and a medium one, so putting 3 big ones in our robot would totally be against the rules, because maybe one group does not have 3 big ones.
So everything is acceptable as long as it respects the rules.
We have really high hopes for our robot in this challenge, because we've learned a lot from our past mistakes in the other two challenges.😃

The day of our enormous failure was the first day of this challenge. And we decided to do what we wanted to do since our robot lost:disassemble it.
We were wishing for this moment to come, the moment when Alfie was going to be reborn, a new beginning, new hopes, and last, but not least: a supercool new name.
We decided to rename our robot for this challenge, well, actually we do this with every new challenge, but now we were serious, we were going to make our small and weak robot strong and undefeatable.
We named it Strongfie.
Once we disassembled the robot, we realised one important thing: we had no idea what to do.
Which strategy could we choose for Strongfie?
We watched some youtube videos of this challenge in other schools, and there were some really good robots.
Still,we hadn't decided what to do when the class ended.

The robot's construction began this day, we decided to make it taller and to give it 4 wheels, two of these, made out really weird pieces, that somehow, work as wheels.
The wheels made out of pieces are sorrounded by red circles

In this picture, it is also visible that we're using the metal crazy wheel instead of making one ourselves because the other two wheels woked awfully.
So, we told our teacher if we could use the metal one, and he let us use it.😎

In this class, we kept making the robot and searching pieces to make it awesome.
Our idea was beginning to come to life.
Our goal was to make a clamp, so it could hold and stop the other robots.

In this class we kept on  making the robot's claw and fixing other parts of it.
But the most important thing that happened in this class, was that our amazing, wonderful and super smart programmer Ángela had made the whole programming at home!
She said it was more comfortable for her to make it at home rather than program everything at school, but wow, what an amazing program! I t was the best we had ever had.😎

This is our fantastic program, it's really complex and effective

Our robot can even make a face and sounds!

 In this class we kept building the clamp and trying to figure out where to put the sensors, we also built a defense mechansim for the ramp, we don't want anyone to take down our robot.

In this class we decided to do one decisive change:to take off the clamp.
The clamp was unstable,plus, it didn't work well, and besiudes, we had no where to put it, so we decided that the best we could do was to take it off.
Without this piece, we had no defense mechanism, so we built a wall to push other robots.
We hope it is effective.
Without the clamp, we made some little changes in the program.

The challenge was today, we made a really small change in the program and checked the pieces one last time.
We weren't really confident and thought that our robot would lose against every team.
It wasn't like that, though.
Every group fought three times, because we're four groups and every group has to fight against the others. 😨
And each combat has two rounds.
A victory scores one point, a loss scores no points and a tie also scores no points.

We won one round of the first combat,but we lost one.
Both rounds of the second combat ended up in a tie.
And finally, we lost both rounds of our last combat.
In the end, we scored one point and even won one time!
We are speechless and really happy with our fantastic result. After losing two times we had nearly no hope for Alfie this time, but it pleasantly surprised us!
We are astonished by our results in the end, even if we only got one point, but we won one time and there was a tie two times! Isn't it amazing? Well, it is for us.
We hope we do as well as this time in the incoming challenges.

Group 1: 1 point
Group 2: 6 points
Group 3 (us):1 point
Group 4:0 points

We couln't be happier with our Strongfie!😃

When the combats ended, the class decided to do a 4 robot combat, everyone against everyone, we recorded it all, and also put a really  good soundtrack to the amazing fight😎


  1. Fight! Fight! Let’s place bets to make it more interesting and creepy masks on the front of the robots. It is just a thought.


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