In this challenge, we have to design a robot that moves radioactive barrels leaving them in the right place.

We have to program three zones, and we can only use the EV3 block, a color sensor and two motors, along with some pieces to build the structure and bring it all together, so we can make it work correctly.

In this blog, we'll describe our progress with the robot day by day.


1-Use a color sensor and two motors

2-The barrel with the radioactive fluids has to be transported and introduced in the marked zone.

3-We have to transport three barrels.

4-We have two chances per barrel.

5-Just one member of the group can manipulate the robot during the test.

6-We have two judges to supervise the challenge.



3 points:CAN 75% INSIDE

2 points:CAN 50% INSIDE

1 point:CAN 10% INSIDE


We've just finished the exam and now we are picking all the pieces we need for our robot projects.😃


In this class, we are still selecting our pieces to make an efficient robot.

These are some of the pieces we had to build the robot


This day, we started to build our robot with the instructions posted on our classroom, and we knew the biggest building difficulty in this robot, the crazy wheel.

Originally, the wheel was just a piece that all the groups should have, but only two groups out of the four had it, so the teacher told us that we had to build it ourselves with the pieces we had, and without this special piece, meanwhile we had to build the other parts.


We spent an entire class trying to build the wheel, and with almost no advance because we had to adapt the whole structure to the wheel.😓


In this class, we finally built the wheel, which was not as consisten as the other groups' crazy wheel, but it was the best we had.😌


We finished the building process and we started to programme. We decided to name our robot Alfie.😊

Little Alfie  0.1
"Recyfie" version


In this class and a few more ones, we experimented with the lego mindstorms EV3 home edition program.


We kept exploring and practising with the program.



 We started to make our own program.


 We finished our program and were ready to measure the wheel to make calculations, so that the can would fit perfectly in the correct zone.


 In this class, we improved our program, that had a few mistakes regarding the motors. Besides, we built arms for the robot, so it could hold and drag the can. But something terrible happpened, our robot fell and broke, it was a hard knock for Alfie, but we rebuilt it in less than 2 minutes. 💀


In this class, not only we did change the program again because of a miscalculation in the distance of the different marks. But also we thought of a program that would be more exact at the time of truth. So we had to measure the diameter of our wheel, and the distance between the light sensor and the robot arms.


In this class, we made the calculations and the measurement, we thought we were ready for the challenge.


In this class, we did the challenge after a little bit of preparation and training, along with a few small changes in the program.

The finished program!


We got only 4 points,we were the group who got less points and so,the last ones.😞

We realised that our robot was fragile and didn't have consistency,also,when we disassembled it,we found out that the crazy wheel was also a problem.

I hope we can build a better one for the incoming challenge and hopefully we can be the first!😎


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